Sunday, April 21, 2013

FotoWalk #2: 4/14/2013 Pacific Grove 55th Annual Good Old Days

I finally got around to the pictures from last Sunday's FotoWalk. Doing little photo-editing is nearly impossible when you have violent coughs due to bronchitis. This edition was from Pacific Grove's Good Old Days festival on Sunday April 14th, 2013. I've never heard of it but from what we experienced it might be the best family festival in the County. Enjoy!

2:08PM: "Checking his Pulse" - Even though I've lived in Monterey Bay for 9 years this was my first time going to this event.  There were tons of venders, food, multiple live music stages, rides, and a firefighter competition.  A bystander checks the dummy's pulse after it was carried and dragged all over the place.
2:17PM: "Feather Hat" - Kelly trying out a hat. She is a fan of fancy.
2:20PM: "Missy" - This gentleman is a volunteer for the Peace of Mind Dog Rescue Home in Pacific Grove. It's basically an organization that finds new homes for senior dogs. This little one is Missy and she's blind due to glaucoma.

2:35PM: "Eyebrow Lemonade" - His expression is just too perfect.
2:42PM: "Set Teardown" - A member from the previous act hurrying offstage moments before the next group starts.
2:43PM: "Eye of the Crowd" - Student Dancers from UC Santa Cruz finding their own space amidst a large crowd.

3:15PM: "Modern Tradition" - Native American Flutist taking a break between his sets.
3:18PM: "Up" - This looked like a lot of fun. I totally would have done it if my leg wasn't messed up.
3:56PM: "Street Zumba" - Zumba is already intense but it's a completely different beast when its done outside in the middle of an intersection.  It was so high intensity.
4:04PM: "Boys will be Boys" - Despite how it looks both brothers were having a blast. They're at a street fair, it's gorgeous outside, and they have inflatable hammers. What more could they ask for?
4:08PM: "Diversity" - I was surprised at how big this event was. People were here from all over the universe (bada-ching!)
4:14PM: "Tiger Snack" - This cat was walking all around us completely in his own world. At one point he sat down right next to Kelly as we were eating.